About Isabel

She spent her childhood with his mother (widow), his brother and his maternal grandmother, in Arevalo, understanding the importance of the Family.

Her spiritual formation was commended to exemplary people.

Nobody in her environment thought she could become Queen.

The elites and the powerful did not count on her.

It was a hidden, austere childhood, until she was taken to the Court at the age of 10.

She managed to get a board of nobles and monks to get her out, but they did not return her to her mother, so she stayed in Segovia. In her adolescence she was taught by the Augustinian friar Fray Martin de Cordoba. 

She prayed and asked God for her country, to recover Catholic unity (from the III Council of Toledo) and learned to abandon herself in God's hands, like the Virgin Mary.

She was the third in the order of succession.

She always kept in mind the example of our Blessed Mother who, in Nazareth, read the Scriptures, meditated and kept everything in her heart.

Her favorite Gospel is St. John’s, because it is the Gospel of Love. She took his Eagle, for herself and for her flag, placing Spain and her reign under her protection, and his theological vision of the times.

Having achieved victory against the Portuguese nobles and invaders, she endowed the beautiful Church of San Juan de los Reyes.

She always sought the best for her subjects.

Her friends accompanied her throughout her life and tried to support her projects in Education, Religious Formation, and Hospitals. They were all extraordinary women for their time.

She wanted to marry for love and form a family.

After the death of her brother Alfonso, everything around her changed.

She was proclaimed Queen by the people.

In discernment and spiritual direction, she discovered the plans God had for her and led a life in which she sought to imitate Christ in order to reach perfection.

She understood that to governing is to pursue the Common Good of all its inhabitants. Peace, Order, and Justice are necessary, all of which come from God. Therefore, her first goal was to recover the Catholic unity of the lands of Spain and to recover the Faith that Recaredo professed in the III Council of Toledo.

In order to achieve this, it was important to get rid of the Muslim invader and the false Judaizing converts. When she obtained peace, she set an example by forgiving the defeated.

In the Hospital de la Santa Fe, she put in place the care and attention that soldiers needed on the battlefield.

Once unity was achieved, she took the Faith and the Gospel to the ends of the world.

She helped Christopher Columbus to improve his calculations to reach the Indies by the West. She had to imprison him for breaking his word and enslaving Indians, to whom she granted freedom and returned to their place of origin.

She practiced union with God in her prayer life, especially during illness and death.

She worked to achieve Peace throughout Christendom, and educated her children in the Faith and in the Love of God Our Lord, which should be extended to others, all brothers and sisters, subjects of every class and condition.

Thanks to her, the faith reaches America, and the Church takes root and grows.

Her testament is dedicated to the souls who do not know God in the unknown lands discovered. We are all children of God and with the same love with which Christ loved us, we must love everyone.

She worked tirelessly to deliberately prepare for the future.

She lived and died in sanctity, in the service of God and the Holy Church.

Her life is an example, her legacy is Christianity, the Hispanic Civilization.