November 26th
On the 519 anniversary of her entrance in Heaven, we want to offer God one year -until November 26th, 2024- of prayer for the conclusion of the Canonization process of Queen Isabella.
Embrace the legacy of Queen Isabella.
Thanks to her sacrifice and commitment, the catholic faith reached America;
Charity, Hope, Unity.

About her
Queen Isabella, from humble beginnings, prioritized her subjects' welfare as queen, through faith and compassionate leadership.
Upcoming events
We are coming together in prayer asking for her Canonization process to be completed, and will pray the Holy Rosary for the Evangelization of the world. On November 26th, we will introduce this prayer in the Liturgy:
Heavenly Father, we beseech You, through the intercession of Christ our King and the mediation of the most Blessed Mother, that You bring to fulfillment the canonization of Your Servant, Queen Isabella, and that through the Holy Spirit, her work of promoting the Hispanic legacy throughout the world might be continued.
Register events
Calling to action
Priests: Include one petition for her Canonization process to conclude, or offer it as an intention on the Holy Mass.
Friends: Get together and pray the Holy Rosary every month, on the 26th.
Queen Isabella:
Faith and Leadership

As our Lady, she kept the word of God in her heart and followed divine Providence.
Queen Isabella focused on the well-being of her subjects, striving for peace, justice, and the Catholic unity of her kingdoms. Her support to spread of the Gospel to distant lands, included aiding Christopher Columbus in his journey, one that left an indelible mark on world history and in the current United States.
Isabel's life serves as a powerful example of dedication to God and the Church. Her legacy resonates through her contributions to Christendom and the Hispanic Civilization, demonstrating the importance of faith, compassion, and leadership in shaping a nation's destiny.
Renewing Hope with Queen Isabella
When pessimism grows and everything looks bad around, we must raise our eyes, and look at great Queen Isabella:
With everything against her, she abandoned herself to divine Providence and transformed her kingdoms into the force that achieved the greatest advances in history:
She discovered America, went around the world, and united all humanity by delivering the Gospel to the end of the planet.
Let us unite with joy and Hope. This humble initiative promotes prayer groups, and all the activities that will bring her canonization process to a successful conclusion.
We are not for profit, but we do have a great spiritual go, which we hope you will share with us and help us achieve.
On November 26, ask your priest to include in the prayers a petition like the one below:
Find friends who want to pray the Holy Rosary once a month, asking for the salvation of the world, and especially for Hispanic Civilization.
Together, with God's help and the intercession of the Virgin Mary, we will succeed.
Pray, Fast and beg
for her cause!
Reza, Ayuda y Suplica
por su causa!